Unity Christian Ministries, Inc.

Men’s Ministry
We are striving to be a close knit community of men who are both able and willing to support each other as brothers in Christ.  And at the same time we are always open to welcome newcomers into our circle.  We meet on a regular basis to encourage each other, have fun, talk about the issues of life, get to know each other, work on projects around the church facility and to study the Word of God.  It is our intent to make sure that our church family has a vibrant pool of men who are leaders in their homes, church and community. Please feel free to visit with us during one of our church services.

Women’s Ministry
One of the great needs of Christian women is for a support system that includes a group of ladies with whom we can be transparent and really share our feelings and reactions to the issues of life.  We are striving to be such a group, who can help each other to be Christ-like in our approach to life.  We get together on a periodic basis to foster the kind of circle of relationships that insures that none of us has to face the issues of life alone.  God is available to his children; and we should also have godly people to lean on.  Please feel free to visit with us during one of our church services.

Youth Ministry
The challenge of growing up is getting harder with each generation.  At UCM we are striving to get back to a place where young people really know what it means to be on fire for God.  We have fun; but we study the word of God and try to place the issues of young lives in the perspective of the word of God. Please feel free to visit with us during one of our church services.

Evangelism & Prayer Ministries
At UCM, we believe that evangelism, discipleship and intercession (prayer) are the three pillars of what the church is all about.  We are supposed to call people to salvation in Christ and then teach them how to live for him.  We have a passion for helping those who are lost in the quagmires of life to find their home in Christ.  But nothing works in the church as it should without prayers going up to the throne of God.  We need his help in all that we do, and we solicit his help through prayer.  Please feel free to visit with us at one of our church services.